Baptismal Slippers

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Baptismal Slippers

$7.99 - $9.99
no. P5230338
5 out of 5 Customer Rating

Baptismal Slippers

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One of the best ways to prepare for a special baptism day is to have comfortable baptismal clothing. Whether you're baptizing a child or being baptized yourself, these white cotton slippers can help you feel comfortable, head to toe! With both child and adult sizes available, these slippers are designed to keep your feet warm while you wait to enter the water and dry after you exit the water. Wear them in cold or slippery tile areas like changing rooms to stay safe and keep your feet clean. Each set of slippers is machine-washable and comes in a matching white drawstring bag, making them easy to pack with the rest of your baptism clothes. The adult slippers measure 12'' long to accommodate adult men and women. The children slippers are 9'' long and are designed to fit children ages 8 and older.