Stand As a Witness: The Biography of Ardeth Greene Kapp

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Stand As a Witness: The Biography of Ardeth Greene Kapp image number 1

Stand As a Witness: The Biography of Ardeth Greene Kapp

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Stand As a Witness: The Biography of Ardeth Greene Kapp

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A month prior to the April 1984 general conference, Ardeth Greene Kapp had an undeniable impression that a major calling loomed on the horizon. When the call came to serve as Young Women general president, she approached it with the same faith and optimism that has always been a hallmark of her life. As a young girl in the rural prairie town of Glenwood, Alberta, Canada, she could not have anticipated the experiences that awaited her in the farthest reaches of the world. 'When I was young,' Ardeth recalls, 'I thought the noblest thing in this life was to be a mother. I have since learned that the best mission in life is the one the Lord has prepared for me.' This intimate portrayal captures the joys and challenges in a life that did not follow the expected path, but that prepared a woman to fulfill a mighty role in the Lord's kingdom.